Words made up to describe things that don't already have an existing word. Concoctulary is a concotularized word between "concoction" and "vocabulary."
Words made up to describe things that don't already have an existing word. Concoctulary is a concotularized word between "concoction" and "vocabulary."
I've studied concoctulary for years, and I must say, it's absadically bodaciourrific!
(Absolutely-Radically, Bodacious-Terrific)
I concocturalized 'tuction' to describe that pressure you feel in your throat when you're hungry. (Tube-Suction)
(Absolutely-Radically, Bodacious-Terrific)
I concocturalized 'tuction' to describe that pressure you feel in your throat when you're hungry. (Tube-Suction)