

俚语 concrete mixer

concrete mixer

When a guy cum's on a girls face, then throws her threw a wall
Yeah I was with that skank last night, I gave her a good ole' fashion concrete mixer, now I have to go to the hardware store and pick up some drywall.

Concrete Mixer

1) An Alcoholic Beverage made by placing lime and baileys together in a shot glass, in a fashion that they stay separated. It is then placed in the mouth for compeditive purposes to see who can keep it sloshing round the most (as it curdles and goes lumpy like concrete)

2) a device for mixing lime, sand and pebbles into a mix that can be laid down , which hardens when left long enough. (concrete)
1) damn, that dude had a concrete mixer for a good 6 minutes.

2) laid some concrete last night, woke up this morning, and there were damn cat foot prints all over it.

Concrete Mixer Monster

The Concrete Mixer MOnster

Concrete Shit Mixer

To hold a shit in all day, forcing the stomach to roll it in a tightly packed cinder block and having to force it out with a jack hammer.
Christian, I have to shit so bad but I think I can hold it in until I get off work.

You better not Nick, because you'll be stopped like a concrete shit mixer!!

Concrete Mixer

The act of sprinkling sand, cat litter, or actual quick-dry concrete mix into a female's anus to increase friction, then ejaculating, creating concrete. A professional version would involve allowing said cat litter, sand, or concrete mix to enter your urethra, ejaculating dried concrete.
Bro, I gave this girl a concrete mixer last week; she hasn't talked to me since.

Concrete Mixer

At least three guys cumming inside of someone then spinning that person around and around so the semen mixes.
At the gangbang, Stan was a Concrete Mixer

Sams concrete mixer

When a man pisses and cums in another’s ass, then proceeds to mix it together by helicoptering their penis inside of the asshole
“I heard Andrew really felt the wrath of Sams concrete mixer last night. He’s still shitting out piss and cum!”




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