Concurration - Deep agreement to something. Instead of saying 'I concur' (I agree) you can say 'I am in concurration'
I must say that you have a very valid point and I do indeed believe I I am in concurration with your statement.
providing simultaneous access to data by several users in a managed way
Anyone who uses an Airline Reservation system is in fact using a system with concurrency data control
A currency whose valuation references the magnitude of transactions occurring simultaneously at any one instant. This magnitude is treated as a function of the distance between the producer and consumer.
Concurrency would make linear time a function of space.
It means to agree with something or someone. When I was in the Marine Corps, we always said this to one another. I had never heard it before, but now I use it all the time.
Person#1: The sky is blue.
You: I concurr.
You: I concurr.
I concurrently concur
To sarcastically agree to something extremely obvious.
To be a dick.
To be a dick.
Dude, Call Of Duty is pretty popular.
I concurrently concur.
I concurrently concur.