confusticated combobulation apparatus
(noun)a complex device; or idea used to exploit pop culture for personal or public gain. dealing extremely of complication. a device that is not understood completely by women. an economic system where speculations and debt are the chief commodities. a word that can be used to describe anything that may be regarded with ignorance. sometimes used to define a specific type of person that can take responsbility for the creation or use of a complex object or tool.
(ad)confusticated combobulation apparatusesque:having state of confusion leading to a conspirated condition.
(ad)confusticated combobulation apparatusesque:having state of confusion leading to a conspirated condition.
Bob said, "how many angels can you fit on the tip of a needle."
Jill said, "i don't understand; it's all just a confusticated combobulation apparatus to me."
Jill said, "i don't understand; it's all just a confusticated combobulation apparatus to me."