Conjavitus is a disease found in the throat. It causes large mucus build up in the back of the throat which results in short deep coughs. Conjavitus is a non-deadly disease but slightly contagious if you are in close proximity of someone with the disease. This throat disease may cause you to become extremely irritable and drowsy. If not cured within two weeks the disease will continue to spread, resulting in nausea, headaches, sore throat, and irritable/red eyes. After one month you may experience visions and become delusional, similar to someone who is diagnosed with schizophrenia. The medication or cure for Conjavitus has not been scientifically created but drinking 32 oz of water a day as well as a basic pain reliever has been proven to be the most successful in getting rid of Conjavitus.
Blayze: *coughs*
Paige: Bro I think you got Conjavitus.
Paige: Bro I think you got Conjavitus.