

俚语 conjibulating


To poke stuff with sticks and get great fun out of it
'Lyk OMFG im conjibulating this hen!'


The act of poking something icky with a stick. Normally the corpse of a dead animal, like something washed up on a sea shore or road kill. Maybe turning over a semi dried cow pat. The stick is called a conjibulator.

To use a stick to investigate something you don't want to use your hands or fingers for. Because Urgh. But it's kind of fascinating.
I found a dead hedgehog in the garden I just had to conjibulate it. When I turned it over there were loads of maggots. Urgh. Conjibulator Conjibulating


Verb. When cake batter overflows the tin in the oven.
I hope that cake doesn't conjibulate. The tin was quite full.




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