A killer of dreams for students at Concord High School, located in Concord, NH. ConnectXP allows parents of students to access up-to-date information on their child's grades at any moment. This program was supposed to "increase involvement between the parents and the school," but all it has succeeded in doing is increasing the hostility between parents and their children, as the children argue about why they failed one or more classes. The launching of ConnectXP was the death of liberty.
Innocent Child: Mother and father, I would like to go see a film with my peers tonight. Is this permitted?
Dad: Don't think so, bud. Not after failing the Bio 2 test.
Innocent Child: Damn you, ConnectXP.
Dad: Don't think so, bud. Not after failing the Bio 2 test.
Innocent Child: Damn you, ConnectXP.