To let your hot meal cool down to room tempurature before ingesting.
This hot food tastes like crap, so I better let it connole.
Starting to tell a story and finally getting to the conclusion twenty minutes later via ten other stories. Named after Billy Connolly for his famous onstage habit.
He was Connolling all night.
The Connolizer
Whilst engaged in doggy style with a female, just before you come, give her a swift jab to the ribs to increase your manly status.
I was screwing your sister and i Connolized her. I think i broke her ribs.
The Connolizer makes me feel like a true man.
The Connolizer makes me feel like a true man.
A particulary hard working and industrious personage
To 'connole' it up is tantamount and synomonoius with hard work and dedication
To 'connole' it up is tantamount and synomonoius with hard work and dedication
He connoled it