

俚语 cool hand luke's

cool hand luke

A famous 1967 film starring Paul Newman, based on the novel by Donn Pearce. In it Newman's character Luke was sent to a jail in the south for taking the heads off of parking meters. He seems enigmatic and standoffish to his fellow inmates but eventually gains their respect and even their adoration. He gains the nickname "Cool Hand Luke" because he'll fight when he has nothing to fight with (you'll understand if you've seen the film. The movie was a powerful metaphor for how being different from others can be very painful, not because you're a freak, but because they don't understand you. Newman stated that 'Cool Hand Luke' had one of the best movie scripts he'd ever read. Recieved an Oscar nomination for Best Screenplay adaptation.
'Cool Hand Luke' was also the originator of the phrase "What we have here is a failure to communicate."

cool hand luke

to act outside of the conforms of society. To be an outlaw, bad ass, (John Wayne).
In refrence to Paul Newmans Character Luke in the movie Cool Hand Luke who refused to follow the rules of society or prison.
Why can't you just be normal mike, your always acting all cool hand luke and shit.

I'm the only cool hand luke left in this town.

cool hand luke

A movie in the 60's starring paul newman. Theres this scene with this hot chick washing a car. mmmm.....soap
I saw cool hand luke, now I want to go to prison!


A sex act involving a bucket of ice
and elbow length rubber gloves and
lots of Astroglide...
"Man, Ross sure gave her the ole cool hand luke"

cool hand luke

The acting of having sex doggy-style while inserting fifty (50) hard-boiled eggs into the ass of your partner. Much like Paul Newman eating 50 eggs in the movie Cool Hand Luke upon George Kennedy making a bet that his "boy Lukey" could eat 50 hard-boiled eggs. Another variation is actually eating the eggs while macking the partner from behind but who wants to do that when you can just jam them in her ass ... plus it's hard on the cholesterol count.
I banged that dirty jis-trap Nessy the other night and instead of sticking my thumb in her ass I gather her a Cool Hand Luke and stuck 50 hard-boiled eggs in her ace.

Cool Hand Luke

The act of inserting ones hand into a bucket of ice water and then handling anothers genitalia.
Man, I sure gave her the cool hand luke.

cool hand luke

to masturbate excessively whilst listening to electronic music
that goateed mutha fucker sure likes to cool hand luke - i saw him at tower records the other day with his arm in a sling




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