

俚语 coon bombing

Coon Bombing

A nocturnal activity sometimes heard of in the rowdier parts of the American south east, that can be done by anyone regardless of race, gender of sexual orientation. It involves trapping a large raccoon, placing it in a burlap sack, shaking and poking the sack to get the raccoon as pissed off as possible, then finding some random douchebagin a convertible, opening the bag, and tossing it into the douchebag's car.

Cats and possums can also be used, though this should never be attempted with skunks.
Jamal, Christy, Shane and I went coon bombing last night. That guy in the beamer didn't know what hit him.

Coon Bomb

The combination of cheap beer and cheap whiskey, drank like a jager-bomb. The cheap whiskey is poured into a shot-glass and dropped into a mug of cheap beer, much like keystone or rainier, and chugged as fast as possible.

Named for the notorious Rowdy Racoon gang of Boise, ID who were made famous by their domination in intermural-sports matches at Boise State University.
Garrett: "Joe got so fucked up from those Coon Bombs last night...Does anyone know where he's at?"

Kevin got alcohol poisoning from too many Coon Bombs




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