

俚语 coov


A totally cool/chill bro that always got your back when you need it. Probably lost his virginity at age 7
Hey man, did you see Cody last night at the party mackin with all the honeys? Dudes' such a Coov.


A hairy vagina that is often referred to in order to insult a person.
"Remember that ass-hole last night?"
"Yeah dude, he was a total coov."


Coovs Is a don, and knows how to have a skatty ping.
Coovs is also another nickname used simply if the person has a considerably above average penis, and of course, he knows how to use it.
Oi coovs, do me a bong please mate

Alright Cooves

A typical response given when oral (alright Cooves) or verbal innuendo is noticed during conversation. Originally coined in 2017 in Amsterdam.
Person 1:"I did ram a guy off a cliff into a lake but it didn't kill him"

Person B: "Alright Cooves"


The most stealthy, quick and efficient movements one can have.
Yo! You gotta move like coove if you want to survive!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:07:23