

俚语 copper boom

Copper boom

From the TV Show Gilmore Girls. On Rory's first day of college she's yelling up to her mom, Lorelai. Rory's says that she has too many beauty products to pack and it used to be just a little coppertone and boom she was done. All Lorelai catches is Copper Boom, so it become a phrase meaning to hurry up, get to it etc.
Lorelai: Copper boom!
Rory: What?
Lorelai: What you said to me this morning when you were trying to speed me up.
Rory: But you missed a bunch of stuff in between.
Lorelai: I think it's catchy. Go, go, unpack.
Rory: Copper boom.
Lorelai: Copper boom!

copper boom

quickening your pace or getting down to business/work. Originally from the show 'Gilmore Girls.'
I need to copper boom my home work.

copper boom

love you and/or miss you, orginated from "Gilmore Girls".
"I've got to go, Copper Boom, Bye!"




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