

俚语 cordial cherry

Cordial Cherry

When you take someone's anal virginity.
I got that cordial cherry.

cordial cherry

Fuck a girl on her period, then in the ass, then cum in her mouth
I gave that skank the cordial cherry

Cherry Cordial

Having sex with a woman while she is having her menstral period and pulling out in time to ejaculate into her anus. Following this she will squeeze the mixture of seman, blood, and feces out of her anus. Resulting in a cherry cordial coined by Johnny Fuller of K2P.
A Cherry cordial is a term for the screwing of a girl while she's on her period, and nutting in her ass while she squeezes out the bloody, poop filled jizz treat.

cherry cordial

the act of using a cherry fruit pie to eat out a chicks ass
bro I cherry pied her brown bomber. it was the best cherry cordial I have ever eaten . although it was a bit corny

Cherry Cordial

When you give soft hipster dudes a red belly then shit on their chest, in the front yard.
I'm gonna give you a cherry cordial, chipp!!!

Cherry cordial

When you have anal sex and cum in their ass and pull your dick out and its covered with cum, shit, and blood.
I was fucking this chick in the ass and when I nutted and pulled it out it looked like a cherry cordial, so I asked her if she wanted it.




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