

俚语 corf


V. Cutting/Cut Off Reflected Failure.
I did so bad on that test, I'm gonna go to the bar and CORF immediately!


Where the hell is Darren? Oh, he's probably at home CORFing from all that bad Orange Chicken.


The art of telling some one to fuck off thinly veiled behind a reference of a famous historic ruin in Dorset
Look Grandad, Corfe.....

Corfe Mullen

An overgrown Gypsy camp protruding like a puss filled boil upon the wrinkled shit encrusted anus of Wimborne, Dorset, UK.

Known by the locals as the Mullen, there are a number of society's disappointments to be found in the Dorset Soldier Public House, in fact the pub is famous for accommodating more down and out's than the entire chain of JD Weatherspoons combined.

If you stumble into 'the Mount' Public House at the other end of the Village you can expect to find an atmosphere as pleasant as the vaginal discharge from the decomposing remains of the worlds most prolific whore.

N.B. Mother's day can get confusing in this village as most people give cards and presents to their sisters.

If you own a white van or low loader, it is not recommended that you drive it through 'the Mullen' without ensuring you have an orange light affixed to the vehicle.
{upon arriving in Corfe Mullen}
Boy: "This place is a shit hole"
Girl: "It could be worse"
Boy "Yeah, could be in Sturminster Marshall I suppose"
Girl: "That's right, Far Corfe....."

Corfe Hills

A school in Dorset full of snakes with a few nice people with the names Jazz Swanton, Ellie Dennis, Phoebe Toop and you can’t forget Reuben Gracia.
Stranger 1: ‘what school do you go to?’
Stranger 2: ‘corfe hills’
Stranger 3: ‘ew’ *walks off*


another way to say fried chicken
that's some nice corfe you got there.




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