

俚语 corkscrew


N. A sexual hand gesture similar to fingering, the shocker, fisting, the whacker, etc. This term could be separated into two groups: the doing and the signal.
Doing: You begin by taking your hand and crossing your index and pointer finger. This is the simple corkscrew. For added pleasure you can do the "West Side" hand gesture and cross your middle and ring finger forming a corkscrew. The corkscrew can also be combined to perform the juice-producing shocker-corkscrew combo. To do this move, you insert your "corkscrew" finger combo into a female's vaginal opening and butt. This can work for gay's too, but me not being gay, I do not know any other way it can pleasure a gay man other than the butt hole. As you insert the corkscrew into a women's many openings, you move your corkscrew as if you were unscrewing a wine bottle, or screwing a screw into a piece of wood.
Signal: This could be used as a means of communication to other males, to communicate to them that a smoking hot broad is approaching, or that a certain women's outfit, or sexual movements has created stimulation in your penis. This is similar to the whacker and finger in the hole signal.

V. to corkscrew, either slowly, forcefully,or beautifully
Hey man, last night i corkscrewed this tight bitch!

Dude, check out that slut in the skimpy outfit. (the girl is so hot you pop instantly in your trousers)
you:(signaling using corkscrew)
friends: Man your so cool
hot girl: hey i like the way you corkscrew, wanna show me more.
Result: You just scored major pussy!


The act of fingering a random person's anus in a rotational motion imitating Mr. Schachter opening a bottle of mead.
Mr. Schachter: How was the sex?

Trevor: I opened a bottle of mead, poured it into her nipples, ate her nipples, then corkscrewed her ass.


When a female lays flat on their back, the male then lays down on top of her and inserts his penis into her pussy and spins around like bayblade.
Yo, I just corkscrewed that girl last night, and she orgasmed like a champagne bottle bro.


When you are having sex with a person (preferably girl) and you spin them around in circles so they are pivoting constantly on your dick.

Note: nearly impossible to pull off, props if you can
Jim "Hey man I was with my girl last night and we tried a Corkscrew."

Bobby "Yeah? You get a full rotation of her?"

Jim "Yeah and I added a crazy sound affect to it like i was on wheel of fortune."


a torture manuver where a male is forced to do the brain(look up definition) and a corkscrew is forced threw the scrotum and testes
If your still alive from a corkscrew your conversation will go like this. you "doc how serious was the damage done by the corkscrew " doc "you got about 72 hours two live"


A stupid little slut that steals your boyfriend. not to mention she's not bright at all. And hse is GAWKY yea GAWKY...
I'm over her she's such a corkscrew..


1. Screwing a girl using a cork.

2. screwing a girl by inserting your penis and then turning it around inside her. Not by going in and out or up and down but by twisting it in a circle. (Note: You will have to move with your dick as it is impossible to turn around and around otherwise.)
Sally and Tom to corkscrew her that evening because she was feeling adventurous.

John told his wife that he wanted to use the cork from their new bottle of wine to corkscrew her.




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