

俚语 corn hash

Corn Hash

A nickname for the guy in your group of friends that seems to always be in his own world, makes random comments, and is generally just part of the group for the rest of you to make fun of.
Corn Hash is fuckin' pissing me off again! He needs to get lost.

corned beef hash

A delicious, fatty, & salty treat in a can that resembles dog food.
Yo, you got any corned beef hash?

Corned beef hash

Girl goes down on you, gags, throws up on your dick, but likes it and continues to completion, but you're not sure you liked it
It was a normal BJ until my girlfriend corned beef hashed me!

corned beef hash

to vomit in a womens vagina
last night I threw down some corned beef hash

corned beef hash

Someone suffering with a highly infectious skin condition to the leggs
Suzanne Ellingham, Harlow, Essex. We thought she was shedding her skin. ABSOLUTELY DISCUSTING




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更新时间:2024/9/21 3:15:46