"Cornpacker is a derogatory term for Gay Iowans." Stephen Colbert testifying in Congress to Steve King (R-Iowa).
Turns out my nephew from Des Moines is gay, what a cornpacker.
"A derogatory term for a gay Iowan."
As quoted by Stephen Colbert on 9/24/10, during the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship, and Border Security.
As quoted by Stephen Colbert on 9/24/10, during the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship, and Border Security.
Dude that cornpacker was totally checking you out.
Hey man, don't be a cornpacker, ask that bitch out!
Hey man, don't be a cornpacker, ask that bitch out!
Derogatory term for a Gay Iowan.
I can't believe that guy is entering the quilting contest at the Iowa State Fair; he must be a cornpacker."