

俚语 coshocton


A smaller town in Ohio where ambition goes to die. Half the populous is racist, a quarter of them are heroin addicts. Drugs run rampant, and the police do little about it. Many of the people could be described as dimwitted, and beat down by life. A "good job" is a factory job with little room for promotion. Science and facts are not widly accepted. They will usually be argued against with raised voices and "religious facts." If you can look past all of that. The hunting and fishing is pretty solid.
I'd like to never return to Coshocton, Ohio.


A charming small town in the heart of Central Eastern Ohio. Hometown of Bob Brendly & Jed Jones.
Coshocton is a good town to be from!


A city or town, generally characterized as economically poor, often with a shoddy local government and lackluster public services; like, and not limited to: schools, fire and police protection. Can also be characterized as a town that is dull, with an uncultured, uncivilized and ignorant population. The decline of a city or town to the state of a "Coshocton" is often called the "Coshocton Syndrome" - named after a small town in eastern Ohio.
"This town is turning into such a Coshocton."


An extraordinarily boring town, implies that inhabitants are dull and/or unintelligent. Taken from the name of a town in Ohio.
God, that place is SUCH a coshocton.

coshocton syndrome

An inbread largely unintelligent individual who is on welfare and hooked on heroine. Someone who has many children to many different people.

From a small town in eastern ohio
coshocton idiot coshocton syndrome




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