

俚语 cotton swab

cotton swab

when you gradually, but not noticeably stick your finger in a womans ass,while her panties are still on.NOTICE:By gradually and not noticeably,that means, unexpectedly.
When tired of dry humping,gradually but not noticeably,use theCOTTON SWABto awaken the moment.

cotton swab

a word used to acknowledge when you or someone else knowinly say a sexual slur or pun
dude you think she will come out and play with us........ cotton swab

cotton swab

girls z bagging girls
brandi cotton swabs amanda all the time.

Cotton Swabbing

The act of sticking a dick in ones ear. When the wax and the urethra combine a sudden inflammation may occur (condom is suggested)
Joe: I Cotton Swabbed my girl last night!
Sid: Really?

Joe: Yea, I think she is deaf now.
Sid: Why?
Joe: I busted in her ear.
Sid: Danm now the memory is embedded

Ex:I want to cotton swab you
Cotton Swabbing: The act of sticking a dick in ones ear. When the wax and the urethra combine a sudden inflammation may occur (condom is suggested)

Cotton Swabbing

Cotton Swabbing/ Cotton Swab is a term used when you take your dick and fuck a cat or other small furry creature.
Also used when you fuck a girl with a hairy pussy.
Yo, did you hear about how John was caught Cotton Swabbing his cat?

Milwaukee Cotton Swab

When a person takes poop in both hands and claps in into both ears of another person
Dave gave me a Milwaukee Cotton Swab last night and now I can’t hear because of all the poop in my ears, it was pretty hot tho

cotton swab dick chick

A girl who uses a cotton swab to gather seminal fluid from dicks.
Hey, stop that girl! She's a cotton swab dick chick and she's stole me cum. (say it in an Irish accent)




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