

俚语 countertroll


When you avoid a troll's trollish act (or taking it deep) and countering it by successfully trolling him/her back. This action is hard to pull off.
Student: *sitting in classroom with a female teacher and other students*

*The female teacher starts reminiscing about her past*
Teacher: "Back in my day my friends used to call me shortstuff cuz I'm short."

Student's troll comment: "I wonder how long ago that was?"

*Whole classroom laughs*

Teacher's countertroll comment: "I don't know, why don't you ask your father?"

Classroom: You just got countertrolled!


to troll a troll that trolled a troll who trolled a troll
random guy : i herd u liek mudkipz
troll1 : i no liek mudkipz, mudkipz r n00b
troll2: i liek swampertz
troll3 : noes swampertz r trollish
troll4: tr00lllls cannot squirt water u idiot
troll5: fuck you they use hydro pump not squirt water you idiot go rot in hell pig!@#$!%!@fucker
troll4: you got trolled retard
troll5: you got countertrolled troll!




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