The act of politely, but awkwardly, greeting someone from a minimum of 6 feet (1.8 meter) distance to avoid risk of contracting Covid 19 viral infection.
I was practicing covoidance this morning as I waved to my neighbor from the opposite end of the produce aisle.
The emptiness in a life, a city, a country, caused by the Covid virus.
So much that had filled their lives was gone for the moment, leaving an enormous Covoid.
Avoiding someone due to COVID I9, a.k.a The Corona Virus.
Sorry if I've been covoiding you, but there's a global pandemic going on right now Carl.
A combination of Covid and Avoid, this word means to avoid someone or something because of Covid-19.
Yeah sorry, I had to Covoid because my neighbor got corona.
A quick term used to describe social distancing during the covid crisis
We all need to covoid to flatten the curve
Of or pertaining to the COVID-19 coronavirus.
The empty streets in our city are just one of the many Covoid phenomena we’ve witnessed to date.
Condition caused by COVID-19 where one voids their bowels and stomach simultaneously.
See also: Covide (Fr)
See also: Covide (Fr)
"Dude, I had such a rough time when I got covid. I had diarrhea and was puking my guts out into a steel mixing bowl while on the can at the same time!"
"Yeah, you had covoid!"
"Yeah, you had covoid!"