

俚语 cow's ass

cows ass

greeting to a friend of many years or special closeness. Reply is always You a nuddin'!
First guy-Cows Ass!
Second guy-You a nuddin'!

cow ass

when after shitting, the shit that wasn't wiped up completely gets smushed up against the sides of your asscheeks.
can you look at my ass please I think I have a cow ass.

cow's ass

phrase that is easily mistakeable for "How's that?"
Pete: so how is the weather?
You: Cow's ass?

smells like cow ass

A childlike and less offensive way of suggesting that something might be bullshit.
Oh Dad, that totally smells like cow ass!

a cow's ass sewed up with barbed wire

a means of descibing something horrendously ugly or disgusting.
"Woo, she's uglier than a cow's ass sewed up with barbed wire."

Ass Cow

A place of reliable and bountiful hook-up opportunities. Similar to the phrase cash cow but for sex rather than money.
Man, I've tagged 3 girls from my yoga class already. That place is definitely my ass cow.

Cow Ass

The buttocks of a cow, usually in the round to topside area of steak meat.
-What's that you're eating?
-It's the Cow Ass, cheaper fattier meat.




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