

俚语 crack-addict

Crack Addict

A person who enjoys the sounds of chiropractic bone cracking (ASMR).
P1: Hey bro, what are you watching.

P2: oh, I’m watching an hour long compilation of bone cracking. I’m kinda of a crack addict.

Crack Addict

When a guy just can't get enough of his girls ass crack.
guy - "Doreen, let me stick my face in your Crack again"

girl - "your brain just ain't wired right you Crack Addict".

Crack Addict

noun: one who cannot keep onesself from displaying his/her butt crack in public.
Person 1: Did you see Julia today?

Person 2: Yeah, but I stay away from crack addicts.

Cracked Addict

Someone who is addicted to the writings of Cracked.com and spouts information from the website on a daily basis.
Example 1

guy A: That new smurfs movie looks terrible

guy B: Speaking of smurfs, there was this great Cracked article about 6 reasons why a smurf village would be the most horrible place to live. Here let me tell you about it.

guy A leaves

example 2

Guy A: Man Led Zeppelin is so original. I could listen to them all day.

Guy B: Actually Cracked did an article about the most famous bands that got away with plagiarism and Led Zeppelin was number 2 on that list. They're total hacks.

Guy A: dude you're such a Cracked Addict

Crack addict

Someone who is addicted to crack cocaine
A:What's up with John? he looks dopey everyday!

B: You don't know? He has been a crack addict since last year!


Adjective. To be highly and/or passionately addicted to something, often in a silly, yet extreme manner.
She is so crack-addicted to Hello Kitty, it's freaking ridiculous.


Someone that is addicted to the sounds of cracking knuckles, backs,and necks associated with a chiropractor.
The Chiropractor said crack-addicts are going to love me




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更新时间:2024/9/20 9:33:04