

俚语 cracker ass

cracker ass

buffon, ignoramous, idiot, cracker ass.
you goddamn cracker ass

cracker ass

One who takes the penis of a white man anally on a regular occasion.
That cracker ass Riley is probably taking one up the ass now.

cracker ass

When a person is dumb or also a loser sometimes can be used as a stupid white person that uses crack because they have nothing better to do!
Man i swear sometimes you can be such a crackerass.

Cracker ass

White person with a flat ass.
Hank Hill has a cracker ass.

Cracker Ass Cracker

Compound word, used to refer to white honkey bullshit, crackers, who write stupid slang terms using the word "nigger".
Dead nigger storage

Cracker ass Cracker

The old crazy white dude that was waving a gun at me from his car. What a jack hole.
The old cracker ass cracker better be lucky I didnt have a bigger gun.

cracker ass cracker ass cracker

craig mothafuckin' burdis
Craig wears flannel in August and fucks his bitchy sister.




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