

俚语 cracker lover

Cracker Lover

A non-white female who loves white boys.
That Chinese girl is totally cracker lover;she only dates white guys.

cracker lover

Mary Elizabeth Collins.
hata': damn, yo, dat mary iz a such a crackalova
me: true dat, but she ma numba wun ho

cracker lover

a sellout who embraceses cracker culture
fuck crackerlovers

Cracker lover

A sellout who deserves to be beaten half to death and who embarasses everyone of her/his race because he/she fell in love with a nazi pig.
Latin guy1: Is that bitch really with that mother fucker.

Latin guy2: Yeah man, she's cracker lover.

Cracker lover

A black man willing to turn his back on the black race in order to push ahead the white agenda.
Reggie has always been a cracker lover he told his boss his coworker was taking long lunch breaks and leaving early




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更新时间:2024/9/20 11:56:34