Ahdomites Were Once Called A Tribe of Edom, Yet The Tribe Was Robbed When Mischievous Jacob Stole Esau's Birthright And Became An Angel Faught With Him And Stripped Jacobs Birthright Calling The Once Jacob "Israel" Which Means 'That Which Contends With God' They Were Rejected And Afflicted By The God of these Peoples Whom Became Jews. Isaac Their Father Promised That Edom And Esau Would Redeem Their Birthright; This Day They Are Called Ahdomites; The Red Ones; And They Are Indeed Redeemed And Given Their Birthright Back As The Tribe of Ahdom. Reminding Us Also Of Where Adam The Ahdomite Got His Name. Their Birthright Redeems As The Elect of God.
That Goof Jacob Was A Fool For Stealing from Esau; Edom Which Esau Came From Will Recover In Ahdom As Chosen Again As Ah'domites