Cracking a moisty
Verb: The act of becoming aroused. This arousal can be caused by people, events, clothing, food and any and all other experiences and need not be sexual in any way shape or form.
This is the female equivalent of the male "Cracking a Fat"
This is the female equivalent of the male "Cracking a Fat"
Christmas is only two weeks away- so cracking a moisty right now
cracked a moisty
verb to crack a moisty
The initial leekage of secreted liquid (taste can vary) within a woman's nethers upon extreme arousal. Doubles as a handy natural lubricant.
The initial leekage of secreted liquid (taste can vary) within a woman's nethers upon extreme arousal. Doubles as a handy natural lubricant.
Husband: Is that golden syrup you've spilt again??
Wife: No I've just cracked a moisty...
Wife: No I've just cracked a moisty...