

俚语 crack lighter

crack lighter

A larger than usual flame on a lighter.Adjusted by taking silver cap off and moving slider piece up from middle position and over to the left then put back down and repeated to get large flame.....flames usually are around 5-6 inches tall
Person 1:you got a light man for my cig?
Person 2:ya i got a CRACK LIGHTER.

crack lighter

a modified lighter in which a large flame is emitted
Man 1: Dang cracka! You pimped the crack outta that lighter!
Man 2: That's why it's called a crack lighter!

crack lighter

(verb) To make a lighter into a crack lighter
Person 1: The flame on your lighter is huge!
Person 2: Yeah, I crack lightered the hell out of it.
Person 1: Man, you're the shit at crack lightering.

Crack lighter

A clear lighter, typically made by ACE with an adjustable flame switch. Often used for lighting cigarettes, blunts or of course, crack cocaine. Made with a notoriously cheap flint wheel that often locks up. Not very useful in areas with high winds.
Person 1:"Man, I need a smoke.. Can I borrow your lighter?"
Person 2: "Yea, sure.. here."
Person 1: "Aw man, what the fuck? a crack lighter? Fuck this shit; I'll just go buy a Bic at the bodega."

Happy Midget-Porn Crack-lighter Dance

Last resort, using a miniature Bic © lighter with low fuel to ignight a generic "adjustable flame" lighter to smoke a product.
I did the happy midget porn crack lighter dance when he stole my lighter and i was using old ones.




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