

俚语 crack open a cold one with the boys

Crack Open A Cold One with the Boys

1. Consuming a beer, with your friends.

2. A meme.
Bob: Hey boys, wanna crack open a cold one?

Me: *Drives up to window*
Me: Can I Crack Open A Cold One with the Boys?
Employee: Sorry, boys machine broken.
Me: Understandable, have a great day.

Cracking Open A Cold One With The Boys.

The sacred act of multiple men (boys) enjoying fresh, cold beers together,
"Last night me and the boys cracked open a few cold ones" said David.
"Tonight, I'm gonna start Cracking Open A Cold One With The Boys." Said johny

Crack open a cold one with the boys

idiom that means "To spend time with friends" and can also be spelled as "Crack open a cold one with the bois"
Gotta go, gonna go and crack open a cold one with the boys
I'm just chillin' here, Crackin' open cold ones with the bois

Crack open a cold one with the boys

When you and a group of friends engage in necrophilia together. A gangbang with a dead body.
“I can’t wait til the weekend when I can crack open a cold one with the boys.”

Crack open a cold one with the boys

To crack open a cold one (a beer) with the boys (your acquaintances). (youtu.be/y3afY0P1G7Y)
It sucks when you are sick on Saturday and can't crack open a cold one with the boys!

Crack open a cold one with the boys

The simple art of practicing necrophilia with your bestest of homies. Typically practiced in your local catholic cemetery between the hours of 1am to 3am.
Hey Bruce, wanna go crack open a cold one with the boys down at the cemetery on Garfield Street with Dick, Jason and Tim?

Crack open a cold one with the boys

Fun fun fun fun fun
Ugh it was a terrible day because I didn't crack open a cold one with the boys




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:17:12