

俚语 crackwhore

Crack Whore

1) A woman who exchanges sexual favours for crack-cocaine
2) A woman who exchanges sexual favours for money that she gives to her pimp, who in return gives her crack-cocaine
I don't have enough crack for that crack whore.

Crack Whore

A woman who sells her body for the sole purpose of attaining crack to feed her addiction.
Yo dawg that Leigh-ann Ho is a straight up crack whore. She sucked my dick for coke!

Crack Whore

A whore who provides services for crack-cocaine.
"I got a fat bag of crack, so i'm gonna find myself a crack whore."

Crack Whore

1.Someone who exchanges sexual favours
for crack/cocaine, heroin, meth, and certain prescribtion drugs.
2.someone who smokes crack and is whore, and pays for Crack through Prostitution.
"Kyle's Mom is a Crack Whore"

Crack Whore

Kristen Stewart
Kristen Stewart is a crack whore.

Crack Whore

Name used to describe a filthy, gross or otherwise horribly defiled public restroom. A notoriously dirty workplace or office bathroom.
I'm headed to the crack whore. Send a search party if I'm not back in 20 minutes.

Crack Whore

Crack-whores are known to have severe attitudes problems & a case of major illogical narcissism. By the time a Crack-whore has fully developed in the evolution of Super-egotism, they've completely brainwash themselves into thinking they are Envied by all woman and Lusted by all Men.

And they look crazy.
Very Crazy.
Which, most likely they are.
Crack whore: I don't understand why YOU PEOPLE can't Comprehend the fact that I'm Beautiful both inside and out.

Person #1: We really aren't her REAL friends. She just makes us feel better about ourselves whenever she's around. We thank our parents everyday for blessing us with the privilege to not be anything like a crack whore every time she crosses us.

Person #2: Don't try to have an intelligent conversation with a crack-whore about anything other than herself because talking with her ONLY leads to instant headaches and regrets.

Person #3: She is so persistent to make each day at work a living nightmare and is very pleased with her hard efforts to shine in a negative light because that's the only way crack whores know how to get the attention they so desperately crave.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 11:31:58