

俚语 crapalanche


The collapse of a large collection or pile of a bunch of one's possessions (also referred to as one's "crap").
His stack of books, papers, nit-knacks, and other miscellaneous items fell in a crapalanche leaving his junk littered everywhere.


A collapse of a large pile of random junk or detritus. An unstoppable landslide of a large and unkempt collection of one's possessions.
"Dude, what happened to your floor?"
"Oh man, I had a crapalanche of all that junk that was on my desk."


When all your various papers, books, clothing, etc. piles up so high that parts of it topple over, you've got yourself a crapalanche.

Avalanche of crap.
Debby is such a slob. She has mountains of stuff everywhere in her house. Once time I saw the cat brush against one of them and nearly get buried in the crapalanche.


an avalanche of crap
When you have too much crap piled onto the top shelf of your closet and you open the door and all the crap falls out - crapalanche!


A large exlplosion of crap venting from one's bowles, usually in a liquid/solid state of matter, accompanied by vomit inducing gases. Typically the by product of rancid fish tacos or the equivalent.
Man, I just got done with the supersized KFC bucket, origninal recipe, and got hit by a massive crapalanche. Good thing I still had the bucket handy.


when you're burried in you're own crap!!!!!!!
in the book " zumbie bums from urennus:


When you are taken by a surprise case of unstoppable diarrhea. Much like a mudslide or an avalanche, but with poop.
Donald had to throw away his boxers, because ha had a CRAPalanche while drinking at the bar!




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