

俚语 crapass

crap ass

To say something sucks or that someone is an asshole. Also can be used alone.
You're such a crap ass for cheating on your girlfriend.

Crap ass!

crap ass

when toilet paper has not completely removed the crap from your ass. The resulting crap ass condition will leave you with an irritated bung, causing you to walk funny.
While john was hiking in the mountains, he came down with a bad case of crap ass, and had to resort to using a leaf.

crap ass

slang used in a derogatory manner referring to a person, place, or thing.
"Dude that guy is such a total crap ass for not going to the movies with you."
"That new cell phone was so crap ass because it broke right away!"
"That new restaurant is such crap ass, everything tastes really bad and is way overpriced!"

crap ass

to say something sucks
"that's crap ass!"

Crapped Ass

When one is inebriated to the point where they lose control of their bowels and defecate themselves.
"Dude you are such a crapped ass."


A word used hen something totally sucks and things arent going the way you planned.
Uhhhhh this is so crap-ass I've been stuck on this stupid ride for an hours

crap ass nannie

An unappeasable Italian grandma. No matter how hard to try for her to accept your German girlfriend

u still a'no good
Grandson: hi Nannie I love you I get good grades in school

Crap ass Nannie: ayyyye a fungula u a'no good why u no use'a u brain

Grandson: thanks Nannie




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