

俚语 craptured


The event in which all the toilets of a building are flushed simultaneously, thereby resulting in a mass exodus of waste from the aforementioned building. The waste is then said to descend to the bowels of the sewer system. Similar to rapture for poop.
After 21 May 2011 we decided to go to the apartment and settle for a crapture instead of the rapture.


Bowel movement of apocalyptic proportions.
Was just one the can, the crapture was upon me.


An event seemingly marking the end of times that occurs during an act of extreme defecation.
If Gerald could only see what I'm doing to his toilet, he'd think the Crapture is upon us.

The Crapture

The End of Times Crap-fest for Neo-Con wingnut Christianists, when their fear of an Obama presidency will propel them all heavenward on a "flaming column" of their own feces.
In the blog "Sadly, No!" Arky The Islahomobamaist proposed, "I’m really interested to see what they’ll do if Obama wins. The current level of hysteria suggests they’ll blast off to the moon on a flaming column of fear-propulsed diarrhea", which Jennifer then dubbed as "The Crapture".


n. (Eng. crap + rapture): the phenomenon of holding in a bowel movement long enough that the urge temporarily goes away.
"Do you still have to take a dump?"
"Naw, man. Must have been taken away by the crapture."


May 21, 2011
Bob: Did you hear? That Camping guy said the world's going to end on May 21, 2011!
Joe: Naw man, thats just the crapture that he's spouting.


Clothes designed by a wanna-be. i.e, Lil' Kim, Tina Knowles, Nelly. sounds like - Couture
"She must have bought that crapture outfit down at the Crenshaw Swap Meet?"




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