

俚语 crazy ass bitch

crazy ass bitch

A female who is crazy and bitchy at the same time.
I arrived home late at night and my wife began to throw objects at me and scream in my face, So I then called her a Crazy Ass Bitch and left.

crazy ass bitch

When you try to have a casual conversation with a woman, and she threatens to phone the cops on you for harassment.
"I tried talking to Birgit about helping her daughter and that crazy ass bitch phoned the cops on me with her cell phone at the community center."

Stupid Crazy Ass Bitch Syndrome (SCABS)

Stupid Crazy Ass Bitch Syndrome (SCABS) is an extremely common disorder in females. SCABS infects more than 95% of females over the age of 43. Symptoms include idiocy, delusion, irritability, and overall extreme cuntish behavior. A woman with this syndrome is called a 'SCAB.' Unfortunately, SCABS can cause irritation, emotional distress, marital problems, and, in extreme cases, psychosis in the spouse or significant other.
My wife has a chronic case of Stupid Crazy Ass Bitch Syndrome (SCABS). She is just like a bloody real scab, the longer it's around the uglier it gets.

crazy ass stalker bitch

usually a short female with a nice booty but really is a complete ass fucker. Usually has no friends of the same sex (female) because all she does is flirt with everyones boyfriends and pisses off their girlfriends.
Carissa is such a crazy ass stalker bitch...jesus christ!!!

crazy ass mother fucking bitch

A person so nuts or "ape-shit crazy" that they disturb peace, daily life, and very possibly the very fabric of the universe.
OMFG! Mrs. Puttana is such a crazy ass mother fucking bitch for giving us a eighteen page essay over Winter break! How I am supposed to enjoy my childhood like this?!

crazy ass mother fucking bitch stupid ass bitch motherfucking cunt

It means you stupid crazy and ugly
He is a crazy ass mother fucking bitch stupid ass bitch motherfucking cunt

going crazy ass bitch on his ass

ver/crazy ass bitch.en
als lilly of iemand anders echt boos is gaat ze crazy ass bitch op zijn /haar´s ass
going crazy ass bitch on his ass
hij had dat ni moeten zeggen nu gaat ze crazy ass bitch op zijn ass




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