

俚语 crazy buns

crazy buns

A female with a really nice butt but she’s psycho, crazy, cray-cray, off the wall, insane.

More than likely a hard drug abuser, immature, psychotic, scammer, deranged prostitute/stripper, etc….

Even though she has a nice booty and you’d love to hit it, it’ll more than likely open up more problems than intended.

Another word for a stank ass hoe but she got a nice ass.
Me: Yo Stan whatever happened to Laura with the nice booty you guys use to talk all the time.

Stan: I was ready to hit one night, but I caught her speedballin in the bathroom and she tried to steal my wallet. She crazy buns she belong to the streets.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 4:23:57