

俚语 crazy fuck

crazy fuck

1) a very dark, twisted, and bizarre individual( perverse personalities,people who laugh for no reason incessantly, people with destructive tendencies, and people who just seem naturally drunk/high without the use of substances to get that way) are very good examples of this
" In every group of friends there's always the crazy fuck"

Crazy Fuck

Richie in any card game after 2:00. Most obvious after the carnival games have started. Think Shuck Two or none with two kings showing and a raise.
Are you fucking serious Bart?! Richie you are a Crazy Fuck.

Crazy Fucking Shit

Crazy Fucking Shit

1) the name for something that was so insane, you just had to call it "crazy fucking shit"

2) drugs you take when you have no idea what it is or whats in it

1) dude, that roller party was some crazy fucking shit man...

2) dude, i just dropped something, and its some crazy fucking shit.

fucking crazy

1. kick ass
2. The act of doing something that rocks
3. Not to be taken as offensive
4. The shit
"Damn, That shit you pulled back there, it was fucking crazy"

"Man, what you did to your hair is fucking crazy"

Clown Fuck Crazy

A significant mental illness that manifests itself in desiring sexual relations with a circus person.
This is the last time I invite Lady Gaga to a rodeo. That bitch is clown fuck crazy.

crazy ass mother fucking bitch

A person so nuts or "ape-shit crazy" that they disturb peace, daily life, and very possibly the very fabric of the universe.
OMFG! Mrs. Puttana is such a crazy ass mother fucking bitch for giving us a eighteen page essay over Winter break! How I am supposed to enjoy my childhood like this?!

crazy ass mother fucking bitch stupid ass bitch motherfucking cunt

It means you stupid crazy and ugly
He is a crazy ass mother fucking bitch stupid ass bitch motherfucking cunt




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