

俚语 cream doughnut

cream doughnut

When you have a blister on the end of your finger and it pops whilst fingering a girl
Me : bro why did you pop your blister

Slade : didn't mean to man accidentally gave some bird a cream doughnut

Krusty Cream Doughnut

When a couple engages in vag-sex sporadically in public, and the guy blows his load in her, and they just get up and walk away like nothing ever happened, and the receiver doesn't have time to clean the mess inside her, and it dries up and gets all crusty.
"So I just cleaned up my Krusty Cream Doughnut from when my husband did me in the car right before we went into my mom's house for dinner."

boston cream doughnut

when you are having oral sex with a girl and you ejaculate into her, mouth. she then starts letting it slowly pour out of her mouth like a angry dragon, so you take a massive dump on her head, for the chocolate icing on top. shes loves it, a lot.
Eitan dropped a huge dump on Ricks head making their oral sex, a wacky adventure, or just a boston cream doughnut

Cream Filled Doughnut

When you have a threesome with two women and one of them has a yeast infection. After you cum inside her, you make the other woman go down on her.
One of the chicks said she was hungry so I finished in her friend and gave her a cream filled doughnut to munch on.

Boston Cream Doughnut

When you cum inside of someone, then shit on their crotch
Them: yo they look like a freak.
Me: no joke. I gave em a Boston Cream Doughnut last week
Them: oh shit

Boston Cream Doughnut

You cum in a girl, then shit on her and do Cleveland Steamroller
"Dude, I totally found a chick that was down for a Boston Cream Doughnut."

"Oh I love Boston Cream Doughnuts. I just had one on my way here!"

Boston cream doughnut

When you cum in a girl then poop on her chest
My girl said she wanted a boston cream doughnut for breakfast. So I came inside of her and then pooped on her chest.




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