

俚语 crescent moons

Crescent Moon

The act of shitting while in the process of mooning from a moving vehicle.
That dickhead is trying to pass me. Give him a crescent moon.

Crescent Moon

the fold underneath your Butt cheek
Damn girl you got that crescent moon showing!!!!

Crescent Moon

somewhat obscure slang that refers to a girl being pregnant
"Bobby gave Susan a crescent moon, and their parents going to force them to get married"

crescent moons

the shape of an asian's eyes.
"Hey did you see that asian girl over there?"
"Ya man, she has some big ass crescent moons!"

crescent moon

Having a dick which curves upward, towards the bellybutton, while erect.
"Dude, I took a picture of Jordan's crescent moon and put it on the school website."

Crescent Moon Eyes

Crescent Moon Eyes
/Cre-cent/ /Moo-n/ /I-ss/

1. Anyone with Monolid eyes, or epicanthal folds, have an eyelid shape commonly seen in people of Asian descent.
Crescent Moon Eyes
noun and adjective
"A Korean girl with beautiful Crescent Moon Eyes, crossed my path and I was starstruck."

crescent moon blumpkin

Taking a shit in an out-house while recieving fellatio from your willing sex partner.
Sue gave me a mean crescent moon blumpkin when we were camping this week-end.




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