

俚语 criteria


A standard of measurement or judgement.
In choosing a design for the new taxicabs, reliability will be our main criteria.


Standards (plural) of measurement or judgement. Often (see previous definition) confused with its singular form 'criterion'.
In choosing a design for the new taxicabs, reliability and aesthetics will be our main criteria.


the clitoris
I bet that homie Uniboob has never even been around a Criteria, let alone know where it is

search criteria

No one has defined this yet? What the hell I need a proper definition.

You thought you were gonna get a definition? Nope. You're just as disappointed as me now.
"Define 'search criteria' on UD"

No one has you're out of luck

Throckmorton Criteria

Based on the discredited medical terms "Throckmorton Sign " and "Anti-Throckmorton Sign," using Throckmorton Citeria basically means moving whichever way your johnson is pointed, i.e., on personal whim, or with baseless reasons.
Trump decided to re-open the US economic shutdown based on the Throckmorton Criteria.

bro or hoe criteria

The things that determine whether a girl can be a bro or not. The criteria for this is if they are funny, interesting, or ok with being hit or made fun of. If she is just a hot woman with not personality traits suitable for the boys, she is a hoe.
Dude 1: Emma wants to join the boys

Dude 2: We need to check the bro or hoe criteria first.

Incidental Criteria

Knockout criteria that suddenly appear during the assessment of a project. These criteria have never been seen or mentioned before said assessment and if they are not fulfilled will result in a failing grade.
Teacher: "If you don't have a presentation by tomorrow, you'll fail this assignment"
Student: "This was not in the initial assignment, it's an Incidental Criteria"




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