

俚语 croob


A Cruel/Crooked Noob on an Online game, Which (Usually) won't share what little he has and is usually disliked.
Guy - Mate you have any Gold Coins to Spare?
Croob - No! Get Lost!
Guy - Aww.. Man, your such a croob.


A person that gets a game on Christmas, even though the game has been out a month or so before Christmas, and is a noob.
Me: "I was playing Call of Duty 5 on Christmas Day and went 45-0 on Team Death."
Antonio: "Gotta love Croobs."


Could mean goddess but also can mean crab
wow, shes a croob!!

I love croobs, they are cute


Someone who tarnishes areas of a forest, or insults a forest ranger. It is used by the YouTube PurPurPiller when describing those who attack him.
"Those silly Croobs have broken the fence again!"


This word describes a person that is a huuuugggeee nonce
Person 1: I just touched a child's dick.
Person 2: OMG you fucking croob!!!
Person 1: Bad out.


Croob is a fused word of cringe and noob.
guy A: makes a weird unfunny joke
guy B: what a croob


crazy ass noob. One who exhibits buckwild qualities of enthusiasm and outlandish behavior, while remaining inexperienced to the world.
Jenn: Me croob.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 10:51:21