

俚语 crop drop

Crop Drop

To steal someone else’s pot plants; usually right before harvest, and usually pertains to theft of outdoor plants thus not criminally entering someone’s home.
Man 1: Hey man, someone stole my pot plants last night!

Man 2: Oh damn, what a crop drop.

Crop dropping

Crop dropping is crop dusting without moving.
Oh, I am just crop dropping.

Crop drop

When you crop dust yourself by sending airmail as you take a seat on the throne
I went to drop a duke and accidentally crop dropped myself during decent.

Pesacola Crop N' Drop

One of the three most effective ways to drop a friend on Facebook. This maneuver is delivered by a three step slap to the face:

Step 1 - Tag a group picture of you, the soon to be victim, and friends.

Step 2 - Crop the unwanted friend out of the picture and re tag it.

Step 3 - Drop them as your friend.
Due to a recent barrage of questionable status updates delivered to my news feed, i found it necessary to deny him my digital friendship and put forth a vicious Pesacola Crop N' Drop in hopes to put an end to any real life encounters as well.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 4:27:47