

俚语 crotch crumb

Crotch Crumbs

The toilet paper crumbs that seem to attach themselves to your pubic hairs after wiping. They live in there and fall out at a later date, i.e. shower, next bathroom break.
I heard this chick in the girls' bathroom bitchin' about her crotch crumbs...she needs to clean that shit up down there !

Crotch Crumbs

These are the crumbs of food that miss your mouth and fall into your crotch. Crotch Crumbs occur most often in movie theatres, dark-lit rooms, and most often when one viciously shovels food into their mouth for reasons unknown.
'Hey, Ron. Can you pass me the popcorn?'
'There's none left in the bag but you can have my crotch crumbs'.

Crotch Crumbs

The bits of dried lube and genital fluids produced by friction that come off and accumulate on the bed during sex.
Ewww! Hilda and Bob left behind a huge pile of crotch crumbs!

crotch crumb

1. A bitter old geezer intolerant of other people having fun.
2. Literally: Crusty build-up around the genitals due to a nasty lack of personal hygiene. Not to be confused with crotch crickets.
Old man: "Go away! Celebrations are for sissies. If I had it my way, I'd put all of you runts in the slammer!"
Jake: "What's his problem?"
Bobby: "Don't mind him, he's just being a crotch crumb..."

Jane: "Would you rather dive into a pool of snot, or sleep with 'funky Jake'?"
Jenny: "Eww, gross! I hear he's got a major grody case of crotch crumb."

crotch crumbs

another name for genital crabs. Also a name for subway crumbs that fall in one's crotch
Stop throwing your crotch crumbs at my face!

crumb crotch

When a person is eating something "crumbly" and they drop crumbs into their lap.
Hey, Melinda, were you eatin' cornbread? 'Cause you got crumb crotch, girl!

Crotch Crumbs

Little crumbs of snacks that get left near the nether regions while enjoying treats in a relaxed state
Brian had crotch crumbs all over himself after enjoying his Chicago mix of popcorn while chillaxing on the couch




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