

俚语 ah shit

Ah Shit

Here we go again
Ah shit here we go again

Ah shit

When something happens to you unexpectedly, or when something bad that you haven't prepared for happens.
Tyler- You ready for the maths test today?
Jane- Ah shit

ah shit

A reactionary phrase for when something happens that is devestating, suprising, or accidental.
Everyone jumps out a yells SURPRISE at a surprise party!;
"Ah shit! You guys really got me!"

You accidentally drive on wet pavement;
"Ah shit my tires are stuck!"

A girl farts during sex;
"Ah shit! that is raw!"

Ah shit mate

A phrase commonly used by an inebriated individual when their equally drunk friends pin their arm behind their back.
Shaun: I've pinned your arm behind your back.

Jason: Ah shit mate shit mate shit mate shit mate shit mate.

ah shit yo

something you say when you just know you fucked up; usually when something bad or unfortunate happens
Guy 1: Where the fuck is my car?

Guy 2: I saw that big ass nigga cop it and drive off.

Guy 1: Ah shit yo.

Ah Shit... Here We Again

CJ's iconic line from GTA: San Andreas. It has recently exploded into a meme.
CJ: Ah shit... Here we again.

Ah shit, Here we go again

When its that time and you know your in for it.
CJ: Ah shit, Here we go again.




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