

俚语 crowbarrower


Refers to someone who selfishly/insensitively uses unfair "leveraging" techniques (guilt tripping, promises of windfall sales/profits, grandiose business-opportunity hyping, nepotism-type whiny pleading "But I'm your ___... surely you should want to help one of your own kin!", etc.) to pressure others into giving him "seed money" to start his own business, but then simply using the coerced funds for non-business-startup expenditures, while either totally abandoning his original aspirations to set up shop on his pwn, or at best unmotivatedly proceeding with his plans in an apathetic lackluster manner that almost guarantees failure... just like a crow who hungrily devours the corn kernels that the farmer has just planted, he simply "eats the seed money" to fill his tummy right away, rather than waiting to let the seed "germinate and flourish" into a much more bountiful harvest sometime in the future, where there would be corn galore on which to sate his appetite.
I never lend money to my indolent self-centered cousin --- some of my relatives may be taken in by his enthusiastic sales-pitches of business-optimism, but I think he's just being a crowbarrower, merely to avoid having to get a regular job like every other able-bodied soul has to.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 11:41:26