

俚语 crud fingers

Crud Finger

A phrase that's used among farmers that refers to the dirt stain on the side of your fingers that doesn't wash off until winter.
Person 1: Hey have you found any way to get that dirt off your hands?

Person 2: No, that's crud finger, it won't come off until the winter.

Crud Fingers

The smell of shit that can smell particularly strong from sniffing around the fingernails of someone who refuses to wash his/her hands after wiping his/her ass. This is usually due to toilet paper ripping or scrunching up, leaving the fingers exposed to warm shite still stuck in the anus after laying a brick.

Quite often, having longer nails will be more prone to have Crud Fingers as there is more room for feces to get trapped and smell like a grimy toilet bowl but the deciding factor really is washing your hands after dropping a turd.
Person 1: Dude, have you smelt that stench coming from that guys hands?
Person 2: Yeah! I heard he doesn't wipe. He must have Crud Fingers big time!




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