

俚语 crumpy


Being holey in distribution (like a crumpet) when talking about wind distribution or health.
Person 1: Shall we go sailing today?
Person 2: Nah... The wind's looking really crumpy!

Person 1: How are you feeling after last night?
Person 2: Pretty crumpy!!


1. A person who is feeling a combination of crabby and grumpy.

2. A person that is irritable to the point that it is written all over there face and is expressed in there body language.

3. A person that feels annoyed at every little thing, due to being a irritable person.

4. A person feeling annoyed by stupid people.
J: Hows it going?
B: Real crumpy day today!
J: What do you mean by crumpy?
B: I mean getting annoyed by stupid people!


a large, misshapen, hunk of human feces.
I have to take a crumpy...


a spasm-ing pisshead
haha diggory's got crumpy


mix between cranky and grumpy
Joel was realy crumpie at char after she broke his house


drunk -> crunk -> crunky -> crumpy
a popular term of MHSers
out gettin crumpy
Where we gettin crumpy this weekend

bust a crumpy

Bust a crumpy = taking a shit
Hold up, I have to bust a crumpy




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更新时间:2024/9/20 14:57:30