

俚语 crunked


to get high and drunk at the same time
last night i drank a 40 oz of O.E. and smoked a blunt to my head


A state in which someone's conscousness is altered by both drinking alcohol and being stoned off their ass.
Emily: Are you stoned yet?
Trevor: I'd thay tho mythelf, and drunk, too.. is there a word for that?
Emily: Yeah, you're "Crunked"
Trevor: Tomorrow when I'm still wasted at my dad's work, I'm going to post a useless definition on urbandictionary.com along with our conversation.

And then I lost my virginity. Not a happy story.


Being stoned and drunk at the same time. (Drinking alcohol and smoking marijuana)
You are at a party smoking joints and drinking beer/mixed drinks.


in australia, the art of getting crunked involves exactly 6 cones of bud, a 6-pack of beers funneled whilst upside down and one shot of absinth
trent got crunked before heading to town, however was unable to complete his mission, instead spent the nite eating at 7-11


Root words: Crazy and Drunk.
verb - To have fun and get wild, usually in a club or place where there is dancing and alchohol is served.

see also crunk.
verb. Wow did you see that girl on top of the bar shaking her booty? She is so crunked up.


to get crazy drunk'ed
yo' i got crunked and then went over to my ladies hizze and we fumped


Fucked up on drugs, alcohol, etc. The way you are when you use these substances.
Hey guys, check it out, I'm all crunked up! I am ALL CRUNKED UP!




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