

俚语 crush culture

Crush Culture

The overall societal consensus that everyone needs to be in a relationship or like someone
"Do you like anyone?"
"Dude, stop feeding into the crush culture"

Crush Culture

The overall suppression of society on people to always be in love.
"Hey do you like anyone?"
"Stop feeding into the crush culture"

Crush Culture

A song by Conan Grey
Person A: Oh you like Conan Grey, what's your favorite song?

Person B: Crush Culture

Crush Culture

Falling for someone or having a crush on them because they treat you right when they’re doing the bare minimum.
“He’s so nice, he never asks for THOSE pics, he opens the door for me and he asks for consent.”

“He’s doing the bare necessities, stop giving into crush culture.”

Crush culture

A societal need to be in a romantic relationship
*Person one keeps checking their volume on there phone to make sure they can hear calls*
Person two: no one’s gonna call you

Person one: oh I love them so much they’re soooo cute
Person two: crush culture makes me want to spill my guts out

Person one: oh my god I made out with my boyfriend this weekend

Person two: no one cares I’m sick of this kissing cult

Crush Culture Day

Valentine’s day is crush culture day (a song made my Conan Gray)

Culture Crush

An affinity for a particular country/city/society's culture. Usually expressed by learning everything possible about said culture--it's history, language, etc.
A: Man, I have the biggest Culture Crush on Scotland.




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更新时间:2024/9/19 23:45:14