

俚语 ahw


Always Hunt Wild Gnome - Term characterizing the belief that to truly to be enjoyed, Gnome must not be eaten in a rendered, processed or liquid form, but rather be caught wild and served in a variety of ways made popular by chefs specializing in Gnome-based delicacies. It is believed and even revered by hunters that the thrill of the hunt enhances flavor.
Disgusted hunter: "Hark! Is that Gnome you're..DRINKING? Why on Azeroth would you ever do such a wretched thing? Remember to always AHWS and you shall be enjoying the frenzied and robust flavor of the untamed Gnome until your own glorious end!"


The Caribbean slang "Ahwe" generally means "We" or "our".

That ah ahwe class: That is our class
Ahwe gwine ah park: We are going to the park


Used in place of "o"'s in any word. If a "u" or "w" follows then the "u" or "w" can be excluded.
"Thahwe dahwen't knahwe."
"Hahwe dahwe yahwe dahwe that game?"


Ahw is a girl who is bitchy and savage from the outside but soft and sensitive from the inside. She has many secrets deep in her but is hot. And by hot I mean HOT. She's a straight savage when it comes to rejecting boys.
*Dude 1*Hey there goes ahw! She hot.
*Dude 2* She's outta your league dawg. Actually she's in no one's league




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更新时间:2024/9/20 15:30:00