

俚语 crushing out

crushing out

Those first few weeks when a couple can't get enough of eachother or when a person is engulfed with their crush on someone else and can think of nothing else.
Madison is crushing out on that boy. Those two have been crushing out for weeks.

crushed out

The feeling of having a crush on someone, only somewhat stronger. Somewhat akin to being sprung.

A person who is 'crushed out' will sit by the phone all day, stare at a person's picture, with puppy love thoughts of hugs and kisses.
Keli was so crushed out on Jay, she could barely think of anything else.

Ask your crush out day

December 12 time to ask your crush out day
Hey Tom did you know it was ask your crush out day


It’s the day when You have to ask out your crush


Ask ur crush out day! November 2nd. A day where u ask ur crush out.
Lisa: hey Jonathan its ask ur crush out day will u go out with me.
Jonathan: sure!

Ask your crush out day

The day where you expect to ask out your crush but it never happens. And anyway tour crush probably wont do it either bc they probably don't use urban dictionary.
Guy: looks forward to ask your crush out day
*ask your crush out day comes*
Guy: *sits in bed*

ASK your crush out-day

18th october we go ask our crush out. Don’t be lame guys and go ask your crush out! Or text him/her now 😂 NOW!
ASK your crush out-day Quick reminder don’t be a pussy and go ask your crush out :)

National ask your crush out day

On December 9th ask out your crush and its okay if he rejects you
National ask your crush out day on December 9th




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